Programme: Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance: 2020 Fall Internship in Shanghai
Partner Institution: Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance
Period: October - December, 2020
I am appreciated that China Vision has provided an excellent opportunity for me to take the balance between online studying and part-time job.
Throughout the past 2 months, I have enhanced by time management skill and multitask ability. Unlike my past internship experience, which are more related to finance and banking sectors to fit in with my major, I chose to work as a data analyst in the retailing sector. I worked in Family Mart under Ting Hsin International Group, and my daily work is facilitating my management director to reconcile the monthly retailing data, analyzing profits and sales under different time slots, and selling intermediates, also I have independently worked on the claim statements. By working for two months, I have equipped with advanced excel skills and could manage massive amount of data, which is useful for my future career development.
After learning how to manage data, I realized the importance of data analysis from real business operation. Speaking from micro perspective, every single data should be accurately and detailly recorded in the firm’s system, otherwise, it may cause the inconsistence with cash flows and real sales amount. From the macro perspective, with assistance of accurate data analysis, the management team could create marketing strategies and making decisions based on the analyzed results. For example, if analysis results indicate increasing selling products on online platform is benefiting for total revenue, then the management team may concentrate more on online platform.
Apart from learning more about the importance of data analysis, I also have equipped with more excel skills and could be applied in finance in the future. Apart from internship experience, the activities offered by China Vision and Fudan University are meaningful and interesting.
To conclude, the two months internship experience in Shanghai is comprehensive, and I appreciated that China Vision offers such opportunity for me.